Fish'n for Jonahs

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jedi !par

About Jedi!par
Par of/to/for/with/etc. Jedi; also, Jedi's opinionation range for conciderations typed "par for the coarse".
2 words jedi and !par.

Jedi: from wikipedia's online encyclopedia;

!par ( par ): (1)the closest keyboard letters available when upsidedown appears to spell "jedi", the correct keyboard letters when rightside up; (2) Refers to some estimate standard or point(s) and/or quality, all/each within some range of expectation; or at least of no surprise, in as much as being part of the field of conception, and possibly indexable;(3) use as an index, the term can possibly be used as a marker, to set; or add a definition in scheem to the field of understanding views to help determining and defining as a state of imaginabillity.(I modidified a college online dictionary definition).